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Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!   Click to listen highlighted text! Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!


Mark Errington

Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!

September 29, 1996
Rep. Karen Keiser
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600

Dear Ms. Keiser:

I have a complaint about two staff members at Highline Community College. The first one is Ms. Sheri Richter for yelling at me for no reason. The second one is Mr. Lance Gibson, Head of Counseling, for saying the "Fuckin" word to me, in a room alone with him, and about seven or more times in a forty minute meeting.

It first started with Ms. Richter yelling at me for a suggestion about log-in student I.D.'s. I am enclosed copies of letters to Dr. Jack Bermingham about my complaint with Ms. Richter. I also enclosed a letter from Dr. Bermingham, and many other copies of letters I have sent to Dr. Bermingham.

PLEASE read the letters to and from Dr. Bermingham. I would just be repeating myself if I was to tell you want happened.

Ms. Richter thinks that yelling or being rude to students is her way of fun, or her own words, "It was only a joke." Someone needs to reevaluate her. Ms. Richter has had this type of attitude for a long time with students, so why has it NOT been basically fix? Why has Dr. Bermingham been ignoring it for a long time now? Does Dr. Bermingham think it is a joke to yell at students for no reason what so ever? I don't take kindly to the letter I got from Dr. Bermingham.

Dr. Bermingham said in his letter to me, "Ms. Richter is certainly committed to providing appropriate and supportive services in the computer center and remains concerned that her interactions with students are cordial and professional at all times." I would like to say to this is "H-E-L-L-0 JACK!, Went a staff of a college yells at a student for a suggestion there is NO REASON that this student gets yelled at. Even if Ms. Richter says it was a joke. By the way, NO ONE in the room laughed at her joke, and there was a few students close by, and the lab tech was standing next to Ms. Richter when she yelled at me! ! !"

Mr. Gibson is a threat to students. He intimidates them with a forceful and a foul month. That night, after my meeting with him, I thought that if I was suicidal that I would kill myself Mr. Gibson put me down so far that I thought I was nothing, a no-body, a loser, etc. Mr. Gibson should be demoted, or suspended. What kind of college are they running? I thought it was gong to be a nice college. What a joke that was.

I was thinking if you did nothing to correct this problem in a positive way that if I got a home page on the Internet here at CWU. I will put all the letters, notes, and anything else that goes with these complaints and a comment page to see the reaction from other people who might read my home page. I do not think that the way I was treated was professional in anyway.


Mark A. Errington

Enclosures: Copy of letter from Dr. Bermingham
Two copies of letters to Dr. Bermingham

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