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Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Honest and the Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!   Click to listen highlighted text! Hi, my name is Mark Errington, Honest and the Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!


Mark Errington

Nicest Guy You'll Ever Meet!

Jobs or Careers Availible at Inter-Con Security, Beaverton, Oregon, for the Nike WHQ Campus

 GSOC Specialist 0 (47480)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

GSOC Specialist 0 PT (47481)
Part Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

Patrol Specialist 0 PT (47489)
Part Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

GSOC Supervisor 0 (47498)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

Shift Supervisor 0 (47499)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

Lead Specialist 0 (47501)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

Logistics Specialist (48462)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

GSOC Lead (49791)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005

Patrol Specialist (50322)
Full Time | Beaverton (18759) - Beaverton, OR, 97005


 I worked at Nike WHQ Campus from April 6th to May 12th, 2024.

My favorite buildings to patrol in was: Lebron James, APCC (Advanced Product Creation Center), and Tiger Woods Center.

For me its was like going through a museum. Look but don't touch! I saw a lot of interesting things in Lebron James, and APCC building. I didn't understand what I was looking at but I always say out loud, Wow!, That's interesting!, I don't think so!, Stop doing that! (referring to the dressed mannequins in the dark). It was kind of scary walking around a dark building in the middle of the night, 2:00 am, by yourself. One time, I did come accross 4 female employees about 11:00 pm working in Lebron James. 



May 12, 2024 at 5:25 pm

The main reason why I resign from my job is because I was being treated unfairly by Supervisor Rodriguez.

Before I did resign, I should of said that I wanted to change to a flex officer. I am still interested in doing so if its not to late to be a flex officer.

I did get used to walking for long periods of time and look forward to some buildings that I like to patrol.

I am finding it hard to work for someone after being my own boss for 18 years. 

 Mark Errington

Here is my complaint against Supervisor Dagoberto Rodriguez.

On May 5th, 2024, about 4:15 am, Supervisor Rodriguez called me on my work phone and was angry that I was not out of the North Bunker roving because I was working on 2 Incident Reports (IR) for the 2 fire extinguishers that did not have a green tie on them. He was also angry that I took over an hour to find all the fire extinguishers in the Nike Sport Center. After the phone call was over I called Wil Wilson, Grave, Lead 1, and told him what happened. A few minutes later, Mr. Rodriguez called me and wanted to talk. We talked for about 20 to 25 minutes about his actions. I told him I was going to quit, he told me not to quit and that we need you. After I left Mr. Rodriguez, a few minutes later, Wil called me and wanted to know where I was. We met in Mia Hamm building and talked again.

Now lets start from the beginning...
First, someone at Inter-Con thought it would be great to promote Mr. Rodriguez from Security Guard of a few months, to Swift Supervisor without the requirements for the position. Just like Victoria Hensley went from Security Guard of a few months, to Swift Supervisor without the requirements for the position.

At lease, Victoria, helped me do an IR. IR's take longer than I'm use too, because you have to find the problem on a floor plan of a building you don't know, and take an image of the location from the floor plan with different app tools. That takes most of the time to do an IR.

I was hired on March 25, 2024, and started the training classes.
On Saturday, April 6th, 2024, was my first day of work alone.
As of now, I worked about 22 days so far and still have no time in the Bunkers to know how to write Incident Reports (IR) with confidence, and fix turnstile fraud reports. I was told I have up to 90 days to learn everything. I have not been on the job for 30 working days and I am already getting yelled at?...REALLY?

On May 5th, my post was North Rove. At 3:30 am, I was suppose to be in the North Bunker until 5:00 am. This did not happen and has NEVER happened for me.

About 3:45 am, a new female officer came in the North Bunker to write an IR. I moved a side and let her write the report. About 4:05 am, the officer that was suppose to be out roving came into the North Bunker. He has a foot injury and has a hard time walking. After the female officer left, I started to write my IR report and still needed help in doing so. So the officer in the Bunker was helping me write the IR. A few minutes later, Mr. Rodriguez called me and was angry about me not out roving. I told him what I was doing and that didn't matter to him. Everything I did that night was wrong in his eyes but in my eyes I was still learning and thought it was okay for me to do the IR because I was told that as soon as GSOC tells you to do an IR you have to stop what you are doing and go do it.

Base on the phone call I got from Mr. Rodriguez. He gave me the impression that he lacks the knowledge to be a Supervisor. If Mr. Rodriguez did his job correctly, he would of drove 5 minutes to the North Bunker to see what was going on and see if anybody needed any help. Part of Mr. Rodriguez's job as a Swift Supervisor is to help his officers when needed. After this, I have no respect for Mr. Rodriguez.

As far as me taking a long time to search for the fire extinguishers, I'm don't think Mr. Rodriguez was any faster then me for the first time. I think he took longer than me or has not done it at all.

I think Mr. Rodriguez should be demoted or remove from the Swift Supervisor position and any positions above Swift Supervisor in the future.



On May 10, about 11:52 pm, Mr. Rodriguez came in the meeting room before anyone was there and told me to move my car. I told him I did not have to move my car because I asked the other fill-in Supervisor if I needed to do so before Mr. Rodriguez showed up. The reason why we were suppose to have the parking lot empty was because the Nike employees that were laid off would bring their Nike things to the building next to Vapor Jet. But its midnight and nobody is up at midnight, so why would we need to not park in a parking lot that is not needed until about 6:00 am or 7:00 am?



On May 11, about 12:44 am, Mr. Rodriguez called me and said I can do the rest of the fire extinguishers later. At that time, I had only one building to do. I guess Mr. Rodriguez thought I had more to do. As I said it before, Mr. Rodriguez does not know what is going on.



On May 12, about 6:05 am, I came into the North Bunker to change my radio battery. I saw the North Rove guy doing an IR and the North Bunker guy helping him. I was a little mad because when I was doing an IR I got yelled at. So where is Mr. Rodriguez?



Do you have a schedule for future posts/shifts? -> Yes, Now I do, before my schedule was changed from Swing to Graves. I wanted Swing. There was a miss up with our scheduler, Kirsten Moore, she said, "That post had already been offered to another Officer and they agreed to it before it was offered to you." I agree to the offer in a text on April 2, 2024 at 1704 (5:04 pm).

Here was the problem with Kirsten Moore. She submitted the same text to other Officers and in the end only one Officer got the schedule. I think this was so, so unfair!

This text sent to me on on April 2, 2024 at 1627 (4:27 pm):
"Hello Office Mark Errington,
This is a Recurring Schedule Confirmation For Officer:
Address: One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005
Swings: Friday-Monday 1500 - 2330
Effective Schedule Date: 04/14/2024

Please reply to confirm or decline the schedule. You will not be input into the schedule until you confirm your schedule..."

I replied with "Confirm" on April 2, 2024 at 1705 (5:04 pm, on my break time)

This should let you know that our scheduler, Kirsten Moore is a little disorganized.



Rachel M. McLoud, Inter-Con Security, Operation Manager; you know the one that dresses like a Prostitute! We all know that some women has issues. They are more interested in how they look, or how sexy they look, then doing their job correctly.
Ms McLoud worn a skin tight black thin leggings to work.
On April 11, 2024 about 3:00pm, We all went outside for our meeting. We all were in a circle but three other guys; me, guy to my right, guy to my left. Rachel was standing to my right. She was wearing skin tight black thin leggings. I'm sure that every guy, if not most of the guys were looking at her private area at some point to see if they could see anything. I though this was so, so wrong that she had the nerve to wear this to work. Do you all aloud this type outfit to be worn by a female or male at Inter-Con Security? Just think if the CEO of Nike just happened to see her dress liked that. How would that look for Inter-Con Security? If I was Rachel's boss I would let her know that her outfit is not the image we want for Inter-Con Security and tell her that she needs to dress more professional but still casual.



Guy at Inter-Con Security in the Beaverton, Oregon location.
If you walk in the door and look stright forward you will see a guy with a short hair cut. He as an attitude problem. Lets call him, "John Doe".

Two times I had the filling that he wanted to start a fight base on his tone of voice and what he said. I don't know if he knows what he is doing or if he knows what is going on because the first time I came into the office. He wanted me to sign in. My name was not on the list so he told me to go in that room. If he first asked, are you taking a class? After I said, Yes. He should of let me know that there is this class for Beaverton, Nike, in this room and this class ______ in this room but he did not.

The second time I came in, I just wanted to ask John Carpeter, Recruiter II, a question. I met eyes with Mr. Carpeter as he was with someone and I just wanted to ask him a question and I can wait until he is done. While I was sitting there looking out the window "John Doe" told Mr. Carpeter to see what I wanted. So Mr. Carpeter got up and started walking toward me and I told him, No I can wait. then pointing to "John Doe", I said, that I don't know what is up with this guy but I am fine, I'll wait. "John Doe" was not happy with me as I can see it on his face. After the guy left that was with Mr. Carpeter. Mr. Carpeter came over and I talked to him for a minute. "John Doe" made something out of nothing. He would be the first guy I would fire!



As far as the Flex Security Guards...where are they? I'm getting text messages for coming in early, staying late, or come in on a swift that is not mine. I thought Flex Security Guards are suppose to fill in the gap. What happened?



First Aid Kit had no bandages for Hollister Trail.
Hollister Trail - April 11, 2024.

On site was Mac Vermilya (drove, walked), Rachel McLoud (drove, walked), and James Crawford (biked). Myself and another Officer.

A female Nike employee fell off her red bike in the middle part of the trail with cameras. I got there first and saw her in the trees, she walked in, and her bike was next to the trail. By the time everyone got to her she was next to her bike. We all was talking to her saying that everything is okay and are you hurt? She said that she is okay. Rachel asked about her head and she said it doesn't hurt. I asked about her knee because everytime I fell off my bike I would scratch my knee. She needed up having a large scratch on her knee and needed a bandage. Mac put on the rubber gloves and looked in the frist aid kit and not finding a bangage. He then looked at Rachel because I was in between Mac and Rachel. I could see the look on Mac's face, he was worried. Just a few seconds later I remembered that I had bandages in my pocket in a plastic bag just in case. I put them there on my first day of work, April 6th, 2024. I opened the plasitc bag showing Mac the bandages and said take as many as you like. He took two and the female Nike Emmployee was patch up and ready to go on her way.

After that, Mac told the Officer with the first aid kit to come back to Vapor Jet. I thought Mac was going to put some bandages in the first aid kit. But when the Officer came back I asked what happened. He said that Mac had to go to a meeting, so no bandages was put in the first aid kit at that time. As of today, I don't know if anyone put any bandages back in the first aid kit for Hollister Trail. I don't know who is in charge of taking inventory of all the first aid kits. I think this should be the Supervisors duty. Each day, at the start of their swift, the supervisor should take the time to look at each first aid kit and make sure that it has everything needed.


I just wanted to bring to your attention about an officer, J. Olmedo, that worked with me on April 14, 2300 - 0730 in the South Bunker.

My night started off good and ended bad.

First, before Mr. Olmedo came into relieve me so I could take my lunch.

About 2:45 am, he was shining a light into the bunker making me think it was a car coming from behind me. So each time he did this I stopped working and looked up. He did this two times thinking to himself that this was funny. I did not think it was funny.

About 2:50 am, Mr. Olmedo came into the bunker and told me to go to lunch. I saw it was not 3:00 am and continue working.

At 2:55 am, Mr. Olmedo told me to stop and log out now. He was telling me to log out this way and don't do it that way. As I was trying to log out quickly, Mr. Olmedo, standing next to me was getting angry and asked me loudly, what are you doing?, log out this way. At that point, I was getting angry and logged out quickly my way.

After I left the bunker, I called Will, Lead 1, and told him what was going on and that I am not working with this guy again. I told Will that Mr. Olmedo was a Jerk many times. I also, told Will that I moved my car thinking if I wanted to go back in the bunker that Mr. Olmedo might key my car because it was parked next to his car.

During the night, I came across Lead 2, sorry I don't remember his name, and told him what happened and told him that I think Mr. Olmedo was a Jerk.

The rest of my swift I was angry and just walked around.

I have own a computer since I was 26 yrs old. This month, I turned 66 and as of today, I have 7 computers. I built one of them.

I did nothing to deserved the treatment from Mr. Olmedo. This might seem small to some people but I was bullied from the 6th grade to the 12th grade by the same guys. I was variably bullied and hit in the month a few times for no reason. I am a nice guy and will stay that way. I avoid people that might be argumentative.



Subject: Maybe Making Some Changes to Posts at Nike Campus


Mark Errington

From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Thu, May 23 at 3:44 AM

Hi James,

I was thinking that to bad you couldn't change each Post a little.

What I mean by that is have the South Bunker Officer and South Rove Officer change post every two hours through out their swift. This way each officer can sit down for a while. It will keep each officer from being bored.

Also, have it that the North Bunker Officer, North Rove Officer, and North Expansion Officer rotate about every hour of their Swift. So this way everyone will be out patrolling about two hours at a time giving them each an hour to rest, every two hours. Again, this way each officer can sit down for a while. It will keep each officer from being bored.

Also, have it that no Officers driving: WHQ Vehicle, Off Campus Vehicle, West Campus Vehicle, etc., never enters any Bunker to do their Incident Reports (IR) because that is time taken away from the Officers that is suppose to be in the Bunker during their time.

The WHQ Vehicle, Off Campus Vehicle, West Campus Vehicle, etc., can go to Vapor Jet or Serena Williams to do their IR.

As far as eating in the Bunkers. I have seen Days Officers eat in the Bunker many times. I have heard different stories about Officers saying its okay as long as you clean up after yourself. But I have heard for Graves that it is not okay to eat in the Bunkers. I think someone should make this policy final as far as if its okay to eat in the Bunkers or that its not okay to eat in the Bunkers. This policy should be for ALL swifts not just for Day or Swing or Grave. Its so confusing and a little disorganized.

Just my thoughts to make it better for the Officers at Nike Campus.

Mark Errington
12135 SW Par 4 Dr.
King City, OR 97224


Subject: 4 - Fw: Inter-Con Security | Checking In [ ref:!00D1U0xsvI.!5004w02xom0g:ref ]


Mark Errington

From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bcc:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thu, May 23 at 12:36 AM

Hi James,

I will be forwarding all the emails I sent to HR about the problems I've been having at the Nike Campus.

Mark Errington

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mark Errington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 02:24:05 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Inter-Con Security | Checking In [ ref:!00D1U0xsvI.!5004w02xom0g:ref ]


I'm confused. I asked John Carpenter on May 17, if I could be rehired as a flex officer and this is his reply:


Hello Mark,

Unfortunately you are not eligible for rehire. I apologize.


John Carpenter
Recruiter III
Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc.
9958 SW Arctic Dr, Beaverton, OR 97005
O: (626) 535 7620
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


So now what? Am I eligible for rehire in Beaverton, OR as a Flex Officer or Part Time Officer?

I'll try and reapply and see what happens.

Mark Errington


On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 02:01:46 PM PDT, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your email. You are welcomed to take a look at our open positions and reapply at our website:


--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Mark Errington [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: 5/17/2024, 12:34 AM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Re: Inter-Con Security | Checking In

Hi HR,

The main reason why I resign from my job is because I was being treated unfairly by Supervisor Rodriguez.

Before I did resign, I should of asked that I wanted to change to a flex officer. I am still interested in doing so if its not to late to be a flex officer.

I did get used to walking for long periods of time and look forward to some buildings that I like to patrol.

I am finding it hard to work for someone after being my own boss for 18 years.


Here is my complaint against Supervisor Dagoberto Rodriguez.

On May 5th, 2024, about 4:15 am, Supervisor Rodriguez called me on my work phone and was angry that I was not out of the North Bunker roving because I was working on 2 Incident Reports (IR) for the 2 fire extinguishers that did not have a green tie on them. He was also angry that I took over an hour to find all the fire extinguishers in the Nike Sport Center. After the phone call was over I called Wil Wilson, Grave, Lead 1, and told him what happened. A few minutes later, Mr. Rodriguez called me and wanted to talk. We talked for about 20 to 25 minutes about his actions. I told him I was going to quit, he told me not to quit and that we need you. After I left Mr. Rodriguez, a few minutes later, Wil called me and wanted to know where I was. We met in Mia Hamm building and talked again.

Now lets start from the beginning...
First, someone at Inter-Con thought it would be great to promote Mr. Rodriguez from Security Guard of a few months, to Swift Supervisor without the requirements for the position. Just like Victoria Hensley went from Security Guard of a few months, to Swift Supervisor without the requirements for the position.

At lease, Victoria, helped me do an IR. IR's take longer than I'm use too, because you have to find the problem on a floor plan of a building you don't know, and take an image of the location from the floor plan with different app tools. That takes most of the time to do an IR.

I was hired on March 25, 2024, and started the training classes.
On Saturday, April 6th, 2024, was my first day of work alone.
As of now, I worked about 22 days so far and still have no time in the Bunkers to know how to write Incident Reports (IR) with confidence, and fix turnstile fraud reports. I was told I have up to 90 days to learn everything. I have not been on the job for 30 working days and I am already getting yelled at?...REALLY?

On May 5th, my post was North Rove. At 3:30 am, I was suppose to be in the North Bunker until 5:00 am. This did not happen.

About 3:45 am, a new female officer came in the North Bunker to write an IR. I moved a side and let her write the report. About 4:05 am, the officer that was suppose to be out roving came into the North Bunker. He has a foot injury and has a hard time walking. After the female officer left, I started to write my IR and still needed help in doing so. So the officer in the Bunker was trying to help me write the IR. A few minutes later, Mr. Rodriguez called me and was angry about me not out roving. I told him what I was doing and that didn't matter to him. Everything I did that night was wrong in his eyes but in my eyes I was still learning and thought it was okay for me to do the IR because I was told that as soon as GSOC tells you to do an IR you have to stop what you are doing and go do it.

Base on the phone call I got from Mr. Rodriguez. He gave me the impression that he lacks the knowledge to be a Supervisor. If Mr. Rodriguez did his job correctly, he would of drove the 5 minutes to the North Bunker to see what was going on and see if anybody needed any help. Part of Mr. Rodriguez's job as a Swift Supervisor is to help his officers when needed. After this, I have no respect for Mr. Rodriguez.

As far as me taking a long time to search for the fire extinguishers, I'm don't think Mr. Rodriguez was any faster then me for the first time. I think he took longer than me or has not done it at all.

I think Mr. Rodriguez should be demoted or remove from the Swift Supervisor position and any positions above Swift Supervisor in the future.


On May 11, about 12:44 am, Mr. Rodriguez called me and said I can do the rest of the fire extinguishers later. At that time, I had only one building to do. I guess Mr. Rodriguez thought I had more to do. As I said it before, Mr. Rodriguez does not know what is going on.


On May 12, about 6:05 am, I came into the North Bunker to change my radio battery. I saw the North Rove guy doing an IR and the North Bunker guy helping him. I was a little mad because when I was doing an IR I got yelled at. So where is Mr. Rodriguez?


Just my Security Jobs I had over the years:
Saber Security - Security Guard - Apr 1977 to Jun 1977
Storewatch, Inc - Store Detective - May 1993 to Sept 1993
Olympic College - Student Security Guard - May 1994 to Apr 1996
Central Washington University - Student Security Guard - Apr 1997 to 1999
Allied Universal - Security Guard - Jul 2023 to Aug 2023
Securitas Group - Security Guard - Sept 2023 to Oct 2023
Metro One LPSG - Security Guard - Dec 2023 to Jan 2023
Mark's Locksmith - My Locksmith Business - Mar 2005 to Jul 2023


Mark Errington
12135 SW Par 4 Drive, #11
King City, OR 97224


On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 10:01:58 AM PDT, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:


Greetings from Inter-Con People & Culture Team. We wanted to reach out to you once again to make sure everything is going great with your new job. We have enjoyed your dedication and enthusiasm for your job so far and we hope you have enjoyed being part of the Inter-Con Security team.

Below are some important questions that we would like you to take the time to review to ensure that everything is going great at your new position:

How do you like the IC App?
Did you have any trouble finding your post/work location?
Do you have a schedule for future posts/shifts?
Do you have the right equipment to work your shift?
Do you know proper protocol to call off and/or report late to your shift?
Were you able to answer all the above questions? If your answer is no, we recommend that you contact your supervisor or a People & Culture Representative to further assist you. If your answer is yes, then you are on the right track!

Should you have any further questions or inquiries, contact us at 626-535-2200 (select option 1, and then option 3) or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

Human Resources Team
Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc.
210 S. De Lacey Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HR Concierge: 626-535-2200
Employee Whistleblower Line: 855-495-5455
Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc. is an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employer.

This e-mail transmission, including any attachments, is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this transmission in error, or are not the named recipient(s), please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete this transmission, including any attachments. Inter-Con provides Equal Employment and Affirmative Action opportunities to minorities, females, veterans, and disabled individuals, as well as other protected groups. PPO License Number 6822. 




Subject: 3 - Fw: Inter-Con Security | Checking In


Mark Errington

From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Thu, May 23 at 12:32 AM

Hi James,

I will be forwarding all the emails I sent to HR about the problems I've been having at the Nike Campus.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mark Errington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 07:38:05 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Inter-Con Security | Checking In

Hi HR,

I just receved a text from 6267378761 saying, you have been given 72-hour notification period reguarding...".

I almost quit my job today because a day was added to my schedule that is not a scheduled day I worked. Why in the world are we getting these text messages when we already have a scheduler on-site?

I reply in anger, and said, I only work on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday from 2300 to 0730 and thats it!

Mark Errrington

On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 10:01:58 AM PDT, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:


Greetings from Inter-Con People & Culture Team. We wanted to reach out to you once again to make sure everything is going great with your new job. We have enjoyed your dedication and enthusiasm for your job so far and we hope you have enjoyed being part of the Inter-Con Security team.

Below are some important questions that we would like you to take the time to review to ensure that everything is going great at your new position:

How do you like the IC App?
Did you have any trouble finding your post/work location?
Do you have a schedule for future posts/shifts?
Do you have the right equipment to work your shift?
Do you know proper protocol to call off and/or report late to your shift?
Were you able to answer all the above questions? If your answer is no, we recommend that you contact your supervisor or a People & Culture Representative to further assist you. If your answer is yes, then you are on the right track!

Should you have any further questions or inquiries, contact us at 626-535-2200 (select option 1, and then option 3) or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

Human Resources Team
Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc.
210 S. De Lacey Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HR Concierge: 626-535-2200
Employee Whistleblower Line: 855-495-5455
Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc. is an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Employer.

This e-mail transmission, including any attachments, is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this transmission in error, or are not the named recipient(s), please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and permanently delete this transmission, including any attachments. Inter-Con provides Equal Employment and Affirmative Action opportunities to minorities, females, veterans, and disabled individuals, as well as other protected groups. PPO License Number 6822.


Subject: 2 - Fw: My night started off good and ended bad.


Mark Errington
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Thu, May 23 at 12:30 AM

Hi James,

I will be forwarding all the emails I sent to HR about the problems I've been having at the Nike Campus.

Mark Errington


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mark Errington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2024 at 09:41:45 PM PDT
Subject: My night started off good and ended bad.

Hi Mr. Rodriguez,

I just wanted to bring to your attention about an officer, J. Olmedo, that worked with me on April 14, 2300 - 0730 in the South Bunker.

My night started off good and ended bad.

First, before Mr. Olmedo came into relieve me so I could take my lunch.

About 2:45 am, he was shining a light into the bunker making me think it was a car coming from behind me. So each time he did this I stopped working and looked up. He did this two times thinking to himself that this was funny. I did not think it was funny.

About 2:50 am, Mr. Olmedo came into the bunker and told me to go to lunch. I saw it was not 3:00 am and continue working.

At 2:55 am, Mr. Olmedo told me to stop and log out now. He was telling me to log out this way and don't do it that way. As I was trying to log out quickly, Mr. Olmedo, standing next to me was getting angry and asked me loudly, what are you doing?, log out this way. At that point, I was getting angry and logged out quickly my way.

After I left the bunker, I called Will and told him what was going on and that I am not working with this guy again. I told Will that Mr. Olmedo was a Jerk many times. I also, told Will that I moved my car thinking if I wanted to go back in the bunker that Mr. Olmedo might key my car because it was parked next to his car.

During the night, I came across Lead 2, sorry I don't remember his name, and told him what happened and told him that I think Mr. Olmedo was a Jerk.

The rest of my swift I was angry and just walked around.

I have own a computer since I was 26 yrs old. This month, I turned 66 and as of today, I have 7 computers. I built one of them.

I did nothing to deserved the treatment from Mr. Olmedo. This might seem small to some people but I was bullied from the 6th grade to the 12th grade by the same guys. I was variably bullied and hit in the month a few times for no reason. I am a nice guy and will stay that way. I avoid people that might be argumentative.

If you want to know more about me just search "Mark Errington Oregon" or find me on
As I was walking around South Rove, I saw a lockbox on a gate and this lockbox is easy to pick, about 5 minutes, with the right tool that you can buy online. There is a YouTube video on how to pick this lockbox.

Mark Errington



Subject: 1 - Fw: Could you please refresh my memory

Mark Errington

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Thu, May 23 at 12:27 AM

Hi James,

I will be forwarding all the emails I sent to HR about the problems I've been having at the Nike Campus.
Before I did quit, I should of said I wanted to be a Flex Officer as it was my first choice when I first applied for the position but switch to Full time, 32 hrs a week, instead but I was so, so tired at the time. I did ask HR if I could be rehired as a Flex Officer. I was told by HR to reapply for the position, so I did on May 21.

In this email below you will see that I was lied too.

Below are the text messages I got from Kirsten Moore, Inter-Con onsite scheduler for Nike Campus.


Text message I recieved on April 2 at 4:27 PM

Hello Officer Mark Errington.
This is a Recurring Schedule Confirmation For Officer:

Address: One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005
Swings: Friday - Monday 1500 - 2330
Effective Schedule Date: 04/14/2024

Please reply to confirm or decline the schedule. You will not be input into the schedule until you confirm your schedule...

I Confirmed at 5:04 PM on April 2. I wanted to work Swing Swift.


Text message I recieved on April 6 at 2:48 PM

This is a TEMPORARY Schedule Proposal For Mark Errington

Address: One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005

Sunday 04/07/2024 2300 - 0100

Please reply to confirm or decline the schedule. You will not be input into the schedule until you confirm your schedule...

I Confirmed at 2:55 PM on April 6.

I ended up working until 7:30 am, on April 7.
It went from a two hour hold over to an 8 hour hold over. I was not happy!
I was lied too.


Text message I recieved on April 8 at 3:22 PM

Hello Officer Mark Errington.
This is a Recurring Schedule Confirmation For Officer:

Address: One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005
Swings: Friday - Monday 2300 - 0730
Effective Schedule Date: 04/14/2024

Please reply to confirm or decline the schedule. You will not be input into the schedule until you confirm your schedule.




As you can see above, about 6 days went by from going from Swing Swift Schedule to Grave Swift Schedule!
So what was going on in the middle of those 6 days? I have not seen proof of a text from the other Officer who got the Swing Swift Schedule before me on Kirsten's phone!

Mark Errington


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Kirsten Moore <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: Mark Errington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 11:50:16 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Could you please refresh my memory

Hi Mark,

   The reason we were not able to have you working Swing Shift (Fri-Mon) was due to a miscommunication. That post had already been offered to another Officer and they agreed to it before it was offered to you. Because of that we needed to honor the agreement from the Officer before you. We wanted to make sure that you still had a Master schedule and that was why I sat down with you, and we talked through the options. I verified that the options I had for you were the accurate options available at the time.


From: Mark Errington <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 4:03 AM
To: Kirsten Moore <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: Could you please refresh my memory

Hi Kirsten,

Could you please refresh my memory on why I was not able to be on Swing Swift: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday?

Mark Errington



Nike WHQ Campus Leadership (email addresses)

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Chairman Emeritus

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Executive Chairman

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President & CEO

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President, Innovation

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EVP & Chief Financial Officer

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EVP, Chief Human Resources Officer

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EVP, Chief Legal Officer

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President, Consumer, Product & Brand

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EVP & Chief Communications Officer

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President, Geographies & Marketplace


Ron Gallagher, Security Lead at Nike WHQ: Not sure what this guy does at Nike. When I was in the North Bunker at Nike as a Security Officer he came in and just talked about himself for about 15 minutes. Not sure why. I didn't see any reason why he would come in and talk to me if there was not a reason why he needed to do so. Before he left, he pointed out how he wanted us to view the cameras and alarms at the same time but nobody did what he asked so again I don't know why he is there.


Nike Jet Tail Numbers:

N1972 | Gulfstream G650ER | White and Orange | Track Live

N236MJ | NIKE INC | Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream G650 (twin-jet) (GLF6)

N3546 |  NIKE INC | Gulfstream G550 | Blue and Black ? | Track Live

N624GA | Nike G650 | Gulfstream G650ER | White and Black

N3545 | N1KE | Phil Nike Private Jet | Black and White

N19HT | N1KE | Phil Nike Private Jet | Black and White




One Bowerman Dr, Beaverton, OR 97005



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